Since 1974, Community Sciences Corporation (CSC) has provided professional services to local home builders to assist in permitting, building layout and final title surveys. Our practical knowledge of the home building process has made our surveying division one of the largest providers of new home inspection reports and builder packages in the Albuquerque metropolitan area.
Residential Mortgage & Financing Inspection Location Reports
For Homeowners that are selling or re-financing their home an Inspection Location Report may be required by the Title Company, Banking Institution or Buyer's if changes/improvements were made to the exterior of the home. These improvements include permanent structures added after the original survey like walls, pools, buildings etc. Community Sciences Corporation has provided this service since 1974 to the local Albuquerque metropolitan area (Rio Rancho, Corrales, Bernalillo, Los Lunas) as well as Santa Fe, Belen and Edgewood. We offer competitive pricing for these surveys. Call us for a quote.
Additionally, CSC offers FEMA Flood Elevation Certificates for Flood Insurance purposes. These surveys and the resulting documentation are performed in accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Call today for a quote from one of our Licensed Land Surveyors.
Home Builder Packages
With over $800,000 in annual billings, we satisfy the needs of local, regional and national home builders with timely, efficient and affordable services. Our success is the result of over 43 years of experience in helping the construction industry market and develop residential, commercial and industrial properties.

Lot Analysis & Sales Office Books
House to lot analysis for home builders with a large inventory of models and available lots. This service allows the home builder's sales office personnel to streamline the process of matching house models, available options and ability of chosen home to fit on the lot. Our helpful tool to this process allows the sales staff to monitor availability and placement on-site and keeping the customer involved in the purchase of their home to lot. Services provided per client selection:
» Generalized property maps
» Home model style footprint overlays for home to lot placement/rotation
» Lot Fit Analysis spreadsheets for quick site to home lookup.
» Logo & sign design.
» Large print colorized sales maps for office display
» Vacant lot plot plans
• FEMA Flood Elevation Certificates
Performed in accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regulations for flood insurance coverage.

Building Permit Plot Plans
Useful for permitting and future owner approval prior to construction. These may be produced for standard model or custom homes on a variety of terrain types.
• Building Foundation Layout Surveys
Accurate location of building corners or building offsets for stem wall / foundation slab construction prior to trenching. Temporary elevation benchmarks available during this stage to ensure proper finish floor elevation.
• Lot Surveying
Property corners, building pad offsets and drainage issues are common problems that happen on-site daily. CSC can provide a wide array of surveys that assist the Home Builder and their contractors. If you have a need, give us a call and see if we can assist you.
• Foundation Improvement Location Reports
Certified documentation for financing requests during the construction state to verify residence location and conformance with municipal setbacks and code requirements.
• Final Improvement Location Reports
Certified documentation for the finalization of the home. Usually coordinated between the surveyor, home builder and title company for title closings.
Commercial and Municipal
Community Sciences Corporation also performs surveys on Commercial Properties. Whether the property is as simple as a restaurant or gas station or complicated like a mall or sports facilities, we can provide surveys for not only the financial side of commercial sales, but also construction layout and improvements to your business property.
• American Land Title Association ALTA Surveys
Certified documentation for residential, commercial financing and title assistance. Following State Surveying standards and the standards for ALTA/ASCM title surveys, ALTA's allow for a myriad of client selected options to be shown and customized for each property.
Some of our previous commercial sites are:
- Starbucks
- Walgreens Pharmacies
- Las Lomitas Business Park
- 1st State Bank
- Wyoming Mall
- Navajo Housing Authority
- United States Postal Service Offices
- T-Mobile
- Quatro Apartments
- Family Dollar Stores
- Wal-Mart
- Circle K
- Honeywell
- McDonald's Restaurants
- Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
- Daniel's Family Mortuary Services
- International House of Pancakes (IHOP)
- Navajo Nation Eagle Aviary
- Sandia Valley Apartments
- Sandia Area Federal Credit Union
- NM Tech Testing Facility